

We create workplaces where people come first, innovation thrives and sustainability matters. Our strategic approach to workplace management and design is tailored to elevate employee satisfaction, 驱动订婚, 提高生产力.

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The walls of the office buildings no longer define the boundaries for work. With the workplace expanding to include the home and everything in between, we empower business leaders to transition from a building-first mentality to embracing a people-first reality.



A decisive shift towards people-first servicing is shaping how organizations attract and retain talent. We design workplace experiences based on the employee life journey by deconstructing the prototypical notions of the purpose of the workplace to enable customized, 策划员工旅程.  



Offices are now seen as destinations, and to this end, workplace curation is a must. 基于最终用户的需求, 偏好和动机, we help to deliver solutions that address the multi-generation and multi-workways landscape to enhance employee satisfaction.



越来越多地, 员工, investors and clients demand that businesses set ambitious environmental goals and deliver on them. 影响人们的行为, 情绪, and decision-making through nudging to promote sustainability is crucial to all the work we do.



We harvest the power of our technologies to help your company gather analysis, transform information points into knowledge and use data to make better decisions.



We support employers in taking holistic care of 员工’ physical and mental health by, 等, 提高意识, 在办公室提供便利, 提供健康营养的膳食, 体育活动和提供心理健康资源.

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We design and deliver workplace strategies and solutions that are healthier and safer as well as more productive, sustainable and – because of our curated services – more enjoyable for your 员工 and visitors. Our workplace products ensure you optimise space and maximise the value of your investments – in the short and long term.


我们将帮助您优化您的建筑组合, 有重新堆叠的策略, 减少, 重新安置或重新利用你的资产——减少租金, 降低费率并确保节省公用事业费用. 

策划经验 & 工作场所的策略

在所有办公室和站点, 我们将帮助您创建一个强大的, 流畅而难忘的工作体验, 将自己独特的文化带入生活. We architect memorable service moments which bring your business strategy, workplace design and employee needs together – ensuring people and places are truly connected.


从持续改进到COVID-19重返工作岗位规划, 我们设计光滑, safe and efficient workplaces that meet your organisational needs and give people great opportunities to engage, perform and develop – improving recruitment and retention and increasing employee and visitor satisfaction.  


Before designing our services we identify workplace journeys and service touchpoints to understand how we best can support your people and create the right workplace experience – adapted to your specific industry and organisational needs.  


We offer specialised lease advice to help you create a tailored relocation strategy, 将您的业务和品牌需求与人们联系起来, 空间和生产力. 


With insights into infrastructure data and lifecycle management combined with our comprehensive understanding of the workplace, we can manage all your building investments – from redesigning places and managing moves to introducing new technology and innovative service solutions.   


通过建立人们使用空间的新习惯, we’ll help you optimise your places – reducing the maintenance costs and carbon footprint. 我们运用我们在工作场所设计方面的专业知识, communication and psychology of nudging to uncover all unused resources, 没有任何重建, 让你的空间得到更好的利用. 


Our co-working solution – all serviced by 国际空间站 people – brings new levels of flexibility to your business. 与你合作, 我们将把办公室里的空闲空间改造成联合办公空间, 孵化器的环境, ensuring your place supports innovative co-creation while achieving substantial savings on rent and maintenance costs for the vacant areas. 



How to optimize business outcomes through workspace and service design

劳动力人口结构的变化, 人才争夺战日趋激烈, low levels of employee engagement and continuous need for cost-efficiency and optimization represent just a few of the challenges business managers continue to struggle with. 工作场所, when applied as a strategic tool, can secure just that.


为什么选择iss ??


From workplace strategies and spatial design to curating service moments on the ground, 我们的专业团队结合了全球洞察力, data and exceptional service mindset to connect your people and places.  





Are you are interested in our services or do you have questions about something else? 我们是来帮忙的.
