
How to optimize business outcomes through workspace and service design

劳动力人口结构的变化, 人才争夺战日趋激烈, low levels of employee engagement and continuous need for cost-efficiency and optimization represent just a few of the challenges business managers continue to struggle with. 工作场所, when applied as a strategic tool, can secure just that.

It is generally assumed and widely accepted that we as human beings perceive and understand the world around us through our senses, and that our behavior is shaped and influenced by the environment surrounding us. 

一些研究表明, that we get more productive and creative when being surrounded by elements of nature, we get more communicative in open spaces and we get happy when other people around us are happy. 


If we can acknowledge that people and the physical environment surrounding us can impact us so strongly— both consciously and unconsciously— then workplace becomes the most important strategic tool for a manager, who wishes to reinforce certain behavior or drive behavioral change in an organization. 

1200x627 How leaders can optimize business outcomes through workspace and service design

“Are rows of empty desks an efficient use of an office’s space? And, how could this space be utilized for other activities that create organizational value?”

吉特·安德森,亿宝彩票app全球工作场所管理主管 & 设计
工作场所 as a strategic tool for business optimization 

Despite the obvious impacts of environment on us as human beings, research continues to show that only 13% of global workers are highly engaged and highly satisfied with their workplace. 反之亦然, with 11% of employees being highly dissatisfied with their offices, 同时也非常不投入. 

为了扭转局面, business managers must change their perception of workplace from being an operational expenditure to an active resource that can be utilized to drive business optimization, 作为一种实现理想行为改变的工具. 

As 吉特·安德森,亿宝彩票app全球工作场所管理主管 & 设计,解释说: 

“To overcome the competitive barriers that many companies face and strengthen organisational performance, it is important that top leaders consider how their office space supports the organization’s goals and objectives. 例如, 如果一家公司专注于改善协作, 然后是单独的办公室, where employees do not interact with their colleagues for most the day, 难道不是最优解吗. 

Even considering the way employees utilize an office environment can support a company’s strategic objectives. 例如, research indicates that knowledge workers are found at their desks 30-55% of the time. This begs the question: Are rows of empty desks an efficient use of an office’s space? And, how could this space be utilized for other activities that create organizational value?” 

The workplace cannot do it alone – it takes people to bring it life 

Of course, space is not the quintessential factor in a workplace. 我们从来没有这样想过, 例如, culture and values can be built into the walls or fixated into the paint, 当一座建筑物建成时. 


So, while workplace design creates the physical environment necessary to facilitate a change and/or to drive optimization — it is service with a human touch that can create an emotional connection, 从而加强和授权所期望的文化, 让组织的价值观变得鲜活起来. 


To make a workplace work— service and space must be aligned and designed for specific desired outcomes, 关注员工的需求. 

Working with dedicated 工作场所 and Service 设计 methodologies allows us to focus on what services create the highest emotional value for employees— what physical factors either improve or decrease the employee workplace experience, and optimize the space and service towards the desired business outcomes. 

例如, for managers looking to optimize employee efficiency and to facilitate those struggling with their work/life balance— daycare or babysitting services can be optimal solutions that fulfill both objectives, 同时改善整体工作体验. 

在其他情况下, and for businesses looking to move away from a silo type structure to a flatter and more collaborative set up, 设计一个开放的工作空间可能是值得的. 通过开放式的办公室布局, 偶遇是可行的, 并在亿宝彩票app官网范围内便利领域(如.g. during coffee breaks) social interactions are encouraged. 

最后, no matter the preferences and needs— it is only when combining workplace and service design thinking that we can create a holistic workplace experience, where all space has a meaning and every service encounter can make a difference in a person's everyday life. 


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