

亿宝彩票app致力於維護負責任的符合倫理標準的商業行為。 這個承諾堅決地嵌在我們的價值觀(誠實、企業家精神、責任和質量),並得到了我們的《亿宝彩票app官网》的支持。

Code of Conduct

亿宝彩票app行為守則》適用於亿宝彩票app所有企業和所有員工,制定了與《亿宝彩票app官网》一致的以負責任的符合倫理的方式進行商務活動的關鍵原則。 這個《亿宝彩票app行為守則》規範員工在工作及與亿宝彩票app同事、客戶及其員工、業務夥伴及亿宝彩票app其他利益相關方的任何活動中的行為。

為支持我們的《亿宝彩票app官网》、為確保優秀的企業治理,亿宝彩票app執行了很多合規政策和標準,其中一些可 在這裡找到。


亿宝彩票app 制定了一個『舉報政策』和舉報制度,讓員工、業務夥伴和其他利益相關人能夠匿名舉報任何違規事件。

如果你是員工、客戶、業務夥伴或其他利益相關人,且認為有違反《亿宝彩票app行為守則》、我們的政策或相關法律法規的行為,我們鼓勵您舉報此行為。 舉報違規行為本身就是堅持我們的《亿宝彩票app官网》和《亿宝彩票app》的精神,幫助保護我們的企業和我們的信譽。

舉報有幾種方法。 根據所舉報事件的性質和嚴重程度,我們鼓勵您向主管或經理、當地人資、當地法律顧問或當地財務總監舉報違規事件。

另一個方法是通過獨立第三方所提供的舉報系統進行舉報。 舉報系統可通過使用您母語的本地公司網站以及Group 亿宝彩票app World Services網站使用。 亿宝彩票app 舉報系統提供21種語言服務,對於員工和第三方全天候開通。 我們鼓勵您實名舉報,不過您也可以匿名舉報。 您還可通過以下的本地號碼進行舉報。

通過舉報,一些嚴重敏感事件可通報給集團內部稽核部門,該部門會評估您舉報的問題是否可根據舉報政策處理。 而且之後將會向我們的商業誠信委員會(Business Integrity Committee)通報。

我們支持誠實開放的溝通,鼓勵質疑和舉報。 如果您根據自己所知的情況誠信舉報,您會得到保護,我們不允許任何針對舉報員工或第三方的任何形式的歧視或報復。 如果您覺得自己遭到了報復,您應將之當作不當行為嫌疑進行舉報。

our purpose

Connecting people and places to make the world work better

Speak Up system

If you wish to report a concern within the scope of the Speak Up Policy, you can report the matter by accessing the Speak Up system. All communication will be anonymous and confidential unless you instruct otherwise. To facilitate investigation of the matter, you are encouraged to identify yourself and explain your concern in sufficient detail.


舉報管道用於通報嚴重和敏感事件,這類問題可能會對 亿宝彩票app 的營運和績效產生不利影響,而且由於這類事件的性質,所以無法透過常規管道通報。

亿宝彩票app 會確保認真妥善處理所有疑慮。 除非你直接說明,否則所有舉報都是匿名的。 每項舉報將會由集團內部稽核主管(Head of Group Internal Audit)收到。

鼓勵您實名舉報,溝通所舉報事件的全部細節,以便事件的徹底調查。 在舉報之後可能會有跟進調查。 在有些情況下,除非信息來源得到確認,否則調查是不可能的。 為了協助亿宝彩票app調查舉報事件,請提供盡可能多的信息。 亿宝彩票app會以非常保密的方式來對待根據本政策提出的舉報和問題,只會進行完整公平調查所需的必要信息披露。 我們會對舉報者的信息保密。

您可查閱 舉報政策,了解您所舉報的事件是當地的或還是事關整個集團的。

What not to report in the Speak Up system

Concerns relating to your employment terms or local workplace matters such as conflicts with colleagues and managers, disciplinary sanctions, correct and timely payment of wages and benefits are outside the scope of the Speak Up Policy and should normally be reported to your local superior or the local Head of People & Culture and be resolved locally.

If you are not comfortable addressing your concern within the local reporting lines or the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, please use the Speak Up system for reporting your concern.

Investigation process
Your concern made via online or staffed hotline Speak Up system will be screened by an external law firm to safeguard the process from conflicts of interest, before sending the report to the Head of Group Internal Audit or escalating it to appropriate 亿宝彩票app bodies. 

The Head of Group Internal Audit shall (i) record and acknowledge within 7 days all reports, (ii) consider the seriousness and credibility of the report raised and (iii) proceed accordingly in determining the appropriate action. Some reports may be resolved without requiring investigation. 

The Head of Group Internal Audit may consult your report with the 亿宝彩票app Business Integrity Committee or the 亿宝彩票app Audit & Risk Committee and any senior members of management. The Head of Group Internal Audit may also engage external auditors, investigators and/or legal counsel to assist in the investigation and analysis of the results.

Appropriate remedial action will be taken in case an investigation shows violation of 亿宝彩票app policies and/or laws and regulations. Where legally possible and depending on the circumstances, 亿宝彩票app will inform you of the action envisaged or taken as follow-up to the report and the reasoning for that follow-up.

Protection – no retaliation against reporters
If you report a concern to 亿宝彩票app in good faith, we will ensure that there will be no discriminatory or retaliatory action against you as a result of a Speak Up report.

National laws, where applicable and relevant, that may provide better protection for you as a result of the Speak Up report and investigation, will supplement or override this Policy. 

Retaliation means any direct or indirect act or omission which causes or may cause unjustified detriment to the reporter. If you believe you have been retaliated against for reporting or participating in an investigation, you should immediately report such perceived retaliation to the Head of Group Internal Audit (please see contact details below) or by using the Speak Up system. All such reports will be investigated confidentially.

Alternative reporting options: reporting to authorities 
If you reside in the EU, you may - instead of reporting to 亿宝彩票app - report a concern to the local external reporting channel available in your country. The external reporting channel is managed by a local authority in your country permitting reporting similar to reporting internally to 亿宝彩票app. 

For information on which authority is managing the external reporting channel, please check the Responsible Business Conduct & Speak Up webpage of your country.

In Denmark, the external whistle-blower reporting channel is the Danish Data Protection Agency.  

You are encouraged to report concerns to 亿宝彩票app first.

Personal data
Collection, processing, and any disclosure of personal data submitted via the Speak Up system will be carried out in compliance with applicable data protection laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Danish Data Protection Act.