行为准则 & 说出来

负责任的商业行为 & 说出来

亿宝彩票app致力于道德和负责任的商业行为. 这一承诺深深植根于我们的价值观(团结), 诚实, 责任, Entrepreneurship and Quality) and supported by our 行为准则.


The 亿宝彩票app 行为准则 apply to all 亿宝彩票app businesses and 亿宝彩票app employees and sets out the key principles for conducting our business in an ethical and responsible manner in the line with our Values. It guides the conduct and behavior of all 亿宝彩票app employees during employment and in any engagement with 亿宝彩票app colleagues, 我们的客户和他们的员工, 亿宝彩票app的商业伙伴和其他利益相关者.

To support our 行为准则 and in order to ensure good corporate governance, 亿宝彩票app has implemented a number of compliance policies and standards some of which can be found 在这里.




In line with the 亿宝彩票app Values and 行为准则, the business integrity of 亿宝彩票app is non-negotiable. 亿宝彩票app is committed to conducting our business in accordance with the law and high ethical standards.

亿宝彩票app has adopted a 畅所欲言政策 and reporting system that makes it possible for employees, 客户, business partners and other stakeholders to report concerns in a secure and confidential manner.

如果你是一名雇员, 客户, business partner or other stakeholder and believe t在这里 is a breach of the 亿宝彩票app 行为准则, 我们的政策或相关法律法规, 我们鼓励你说出来并报告这件事. By reporting you are acting in the spirit of our 行为准则 and Values and helping to protect our business and our reputation.

有几种方法可以报告问题. 取决于问题的性质和严重程度, you can address your concern first with your supervisor or manager, 当地人事主管 & 文化,当地法务总监或当地CFO.


If you wish to report a concern within the scope of the 畅所欲言政策, 您可以通过“说出来”系统举报此事. All communication will be anonymous and confidential unless you instruct otherwise. 协助调查此事, you are encouraged to identify yourself and explain your concern in sufficient detail.


The 说出来 channel is meant to provide secure and confidential channel for reporting suspected misconduct, possible breach of regulations or internal policies or concerns that could have an adverse impact on the reputation, 国际空间站业务的运作和业绩, 由于关注的性质, 不能通过正常的报告线进行报告. 

You can establish if your concern should be reported via the 大声说出来系统 by referring the 畅所欲言政策.


Concerns relating to your employment terms or local workplace matters such as conflicts with colleagues and managers, 纪律制裁, correct and timely payment of wages and benefits are outside the scope of the 畅所欲言政策 and should normally be reported to your local superior or the 当地人事主管 & 并在当地解决.

If you are not comfortable addressing your concern within the local reporting lines or the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, 请使用“畅所欲言”系统报告您的担忧.

Your concern made via online or staffed hotline 大声说出来系统 will be screened by an external law firm to safeguard the process from conflicts of interest, before sending the report to the Head of Group Internal Audit or escalating it to appropriate 亿宝彩票app bodies. 

The Head of Group Internal Audit shall (i) record and acknowledge within 7 days all reports, (ii) consider the seriousness and credibility of the report raised and (iii) proceed accordingly in determining the appropriate action. 有些报告可以在不需要调查的情况下解决. 

The Head of Group Internal Audit may consult your report with the 亿宝彩票app Business Integrity Committee or the 亿宝彩票app Audit & 风险委员会和任何高级管理人员. The Head of Group Internal Audit may also engage external auditors, investigators and/or legal counsel to assist in the investigation and analysis of the results.

Appropriate remedial action will be taken in case an investigation shows violation of 亿宝彩票app policies and/or laws and regulations. 在法律允许的情况下,视情况而定, 亿宝彩票app will inform you of the action envisaged or taken as follow-up to the report and the reasoning for that follow-up.

如果你真诚地向国际空间站报告你的担忧, we will ensure that t在这里 will be no discriminatory or retaliatory action against you as a result of a 说出来 report.

国家法律, 如适用及相关, that may provide better protection for you as a result of the 说出来 report and investigation, 将补充或推翻本政策. 

Retaliation means any direct or indirect act or omission which causes or may cause unjustified detriment to the reporter. If you believe you have been retaliated against for reporting or participating in an investigation, you should immediately report such perceived retaliation to the Head of Group Internal Audit (please see contact details below) or by using the 大声说出来系统. 所有此类报告都将秘密调查.

如果你居住在欧盟, you may - instead of reporting to 亿宝彩票app - report a concern to the local external reporting channel available in your country. The external reporting channel is managed by a local authority in your country permitting reporting similar to reporting internally to 亿宝彩票app. 

For information on which authority is managing the external reporting channel, 请查看负责任的商业行为 & 为你的国家发声网页.

In 丹麦, the external whistle-blower reporting channel is the Danish Data Protection Agency.  


集合, 处理, and any disclosure of personal data submitted via the 大声说出来系统 will be carried out in compliance with applicable data protection laws, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Danish Data Protection Act.