BANKING facilities management

Places that attract the best in banking

数字革命和全球疫情正在改变工作场所和工作方式. 我们正在帮助世界各地的主要银行适应和创新, while taking care of their people, their places and the planet. This means reducing risk, designing smarter, more sustainable places, 并帮助吸引和留住金融亿宝彩票app官网领域最优秀的人才.

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of the world’s 30 largest banks work with us

Your partner in serving people, places and planet

Banks play a crucial role in society. 这就是为什么我们的合作伙伴关系超越了良好的工作体验,还包括企业社会责任, 可持续性和你的人民和你所亿宝彩票app官网的社区的福祉. With our wide geographical reach, 我们覆盖公司办公室和商业街分支机构,以增加价值, reduce costs, 并创造卓越的亿宝彩票app官网时刻,让您的客户和员工记住.

Outcome 5_Graded


Dedicated to compliance, consistency and quality

具有单点接触和自我交付效率, 我们将专注于协同效应,并确保整个合同的完全透明,从而降低风险, driving greater consistency and boosting quality.

Outcome 3_Graded


Building better workplaces

我们的员工致力于使您的工作场所既卓越又非常热情,给客户留下深刻印象, engaging employees and attracting top talent.

Outcome 1_Graded


支持ing success through innovation


Nordea case


Putting our energy into reducing consumption

我们越来越多的客户——包括像北欧联合银行这样的银行客户——都在询问我们如何帮助他们减少环境足迹, reduce costs and make processes more efficient. It’s priority for us too.

Learn more/见解/观点/ / case - nordea-consumption病例


提升客户和员工的体验, reducing costs, minimizing risks, improving your environment and, most importantly, protecting your brand reputation.

Seamless delivery at every step

我们创造创新的操作解决方案,以满足您的要求. We leverage our benefits of scale and volume, 以及我们的全球技术平台,提供市场领先的解决方案. 我们在全球取得成功的工具、概念和技术使能器可满足您的各种需求.

Managing environments for market leaders

许多全球领先的银行亿宝彩票app官网公司在印度的业务分布广泛,他们相信我们可以提供标准化的亿宝彩票app官网, high quality services across their locations. 他们依靠我们的综合设施管理专业知识来提高运营效率和品牌声誉.

Evidence of quality delivery

我们根据质量改进来衡量绩效, cost reduction, operational efficiency enhancement, energy savings, safety culture, user satisfaction improvement, 等. 我们定期根据商定的kpi审查我们的表现.


提升客户和员工的体验, reducing costs, minimizing risks, improving your environment and, most importantly, protecting your brand reputation.

Seamless delivery at every step

我们创造创新的操作解决方案,以满足您的要求. We leverage our benefits of scale and volume, 以及我们的全球技术平台,提供市场领先的解决方案. 我们在全球取得成功的工具、概念和技术使能器可满足您的各种需求.

Managing environments for market leaders

许多全球领先的银行亿宝彩票app官网公司在印度的业务分布广泛,他们相信我们可以提供标准化的亿宝彩票app官网, high quality services across their locations. 他们依靠我们的综合设施管理专业知识来提高运营效率和品牌声誉.

Evidence of quality delivery

我们根据质量改进来衡量绩效, cost reduction, operational efficiency enhancement, energy savings, safety culture, user satisfaction improvement, 等. 我们定期根据商定的kpi审查我们的表现.

End-to-end services for the banks of the future 

汇聚各设施管理领域的专家, 我们为您创造合适的条件来吸引和留住顶尖人才,使您的工作场所成为令人向往的地方,并赋予员工生产力.

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银行 - Proof point 1

Stories about people, places and planet

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AI’s Evolving Role in the 工作场所

人工智能已经在改变许多企业的运营方式. 在未来几年,领导者应该为其对更广泛的职场体验的影响做好准备.